Updating Results

Stantec Australia

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Corporate Social Responsibility at Stantec Australia

7.7 rating for Corporate Social Responsibility, based on 33 reviews
What projects/initiatives does your employer run and what have you worked on personally?
Graduate, Brisbane
Strong sense of CSR with 'designing with communities in mind' as part of the company purpose. Each year the company runs a volunteering week where employees get paid up to 3 hours to do volunteering.
Graduate, Sydney
Don't know about this, please disregard my rating as I do not know enough about it to make an accurate judgement.
Graduate, Other (Please specify) - Newcastle
From what I understand, Stantec has strong ethics on its social responsibility and is careful with its project selection.
Graduate, Brisbane
There are a number of social events that are organized by the company from time to time.
Graduate, Brisbane
WaterAid initiatives, sustainability, mental health, supporting women and men.
Graduate, Perth
I really enjoyed Stantec in the Community where I participated in planting trees. I think Stantec gets involved in a number of community-beneficial projects and I love hearing about the outcomes.
Graduate, Brisbane
Very good.
Graduate, Melbourne