Updating Results

Macpherson Kelley

  • 100 - 500 employees

Office & Workplace at Macpherson Kelley

7.8 rating for Workplace, based on 17 reviews
Please comment on your company's office space, location and facilities. And while we're at it, please tell us a little about the dress code.
Dress for your day means you don't always have to come to work in a suit, but also sets the expectation if you're meeting a client
Graduate, Melbourne
I like the open floor plan because it flattens the hierarchy. Sitting next to and talking with all people., regardless of seniority. Dress for your day is great too
Graduate, Melbourne/Dandenong
Our current office is fine but could be better. Brisbane is the only office that is slightly lacking, however, with the move in the coming months our new office looks great.
Graduate, Brisbane
We are moving soon so it should be much better.
Graduate, Brisbane
Company's office has nice views and is in a really convenient location. There are separate offices in the Sydney office. The firm has a 'dress for your day' policy and is relatively casual.
Graduate, Sydney
Office space is modern and spacious. The open plan is great and makes everyone feel very accessible and promotes a team atmosphere. 'Dress for your day' is great and makes the office feel like a place you can be yourself.
Graduate, Melbourne
Dandenong office is great. Lots of space to work and the coffee machine is better than the one at my local cafe!
Graduate, Melbourne
In Melbourne there is one office in the CBD and one in Dandenong. Both offices are open plan and modern, the Dandenong office also has on-site parking. The dress code is 'dress for your day' and there is no pressure to dress formally when your day doesn't require it.
Graduate, Melbourne
The office space is a bit antiquated and does not support collaboration. The dress code is quite relaxed.
Graduate, Sydney
Open plan, plenty of natural light. Quiet and respectful, but a healthy amount of chat. Dress code is 'Dress for your day', and it is accurate. If you are not client facing, people generally wear casual attire.
Graduate, Melbourne
Office space is nice, although average. However, the office location is expected to improve in the coming year or so.
Graduate, Brisbane