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KPMG Australia

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Office & Workplace at KPMG Australia

8.5 rating for Workplace, based on 26 reviews
Please comment on your company's office space, location and facilities. And while we're at it, please tell us a little about the dress code.
Brilliant. The office has a ping pong table, foosball table, coffee machines and every T2 packet you could desire. They also have milk.
Graduate, Perth
I think the office space is clean and easy to get around. The location in Melbourne is super nice with lovely view and I think this really promotes working in the office more. I think the dress code is great overall, less formal than what I first thought but I don't think that's a bad thing.
Graduate, Melbourne
location is perfect, facilities are sufficient for an office, plenty of things around the office (e.g. food, walk, view). Dress code is dependent on your daily tasks, e.g. client-facing days would require a smarter business outfit, however training/internal days allow for a more casual outfit.
Graduate, Sydney
Our office is excellent, lots of available desks, nice location
Graduate, Canberra
Good location in the city and is accessible by public transport. Our company has recently moved into a very modern space which is really great.
Graduate, Brisbane
Varies between cities. Adelaide location is good but doesn't have access to same level of facilities found in larger cities. Smart casual dress code.
Graduate, Adelaide
Barangaroo Tower 3, great view, great amenities. Very nice. Generally smart / formal wear in terms of dress, though not rigid when working outside of client meeting days, so is nice.
Graduate, Sydney
Great modern office with good facilities
Graduate, Perth
The space is clean, modern, and there is plenty of natural light. It is the best office I have ever worked in.
Graduate, Canberra
Very nice and modern with good views of the city. Not the best location but everything you need is there. Dress code is relaxed, no suit and tie required which I thought you would have to wear.
Graduate, Melbourne
Office space and facilities are fantastic and provide you with everything you could possibly need and more
Graduate, Brisbane
Dress code is not too formal which I like
Graduate, Adelaide
Great office space, super clean and tidy. Great kitchen area
Graduate, Perth