Updating Results

Veolia Australia & New Zealand

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Salary at Veolia Australia & New Zealand

7.0 rating for Salary, based on 11 reviews
What are your thoughts on pay and bonuses at your company?
Provided your performance is up to expectations, there are annual inflation rises.
Graduate, Auckland
Pay seems slightly below standard rates, though I do know that there is a focus on bringing earlier career staff more in line with the standard paygrade. However, I would rather earn my current salary and have a healthy work-life balance, then extra money and be expected to work extra hours constantly. Main bonuses are based upon companies financial and safety performance.
Midlevel, Brisbane
Annual pay reviews with a pay increase and bonus occur based off a standardised performance review. Pay is banded and fairly standardised but these bandings are not made available. Overall it is a reasonably fair system with annual increases.
Midlevel, Melbourne
Pays below the market rate regarding salary and bonuses.
Midlevel, Melbourne
I feel like I am under paid based on the output I produce.
Midlevel, Sydney
The pay increase and bonus the graduates have received this year is a good reflection on the current job market, experience required and the work/life balance.
Graduate, Pyrmont
Pay and bonuses are in line with what is offered by other graduate programs
Graduate, Adelaide
Pay is average across the industry so there is not much room to bargain
Midlevel, Sydney
It is very competitive at a graduate level
Graduate, Brisbane
What are your company's best or most unusual perks? For example: free tickets, free dinners, moving expenses, taxis, pension, etc.
We don't have benefits in New Zealand - prepare to be overlooked. Only a free gym if you work at a specific office.
Graduate, Auckland
Car allowances and fuel cards for those who need to drive regularly for work. Reduced gym memberships available. Employee Assistance Program.
Midlevel, Melbourne
they have a really good share plan scheme and employment benefits like free counselling, legal and financial advice
Midlevel, Melbourne
Best perks of working in my company is free use of the pool vehicle, graduate trips interstate and EOM drinks in the office.
Graduate, Pyrmont
There's an employee shares program When travelling there are travel allowances - taxis, food, etc
Graduate, Adelaide
Free tickets to certain events where relating to the company.
Midlevel, Sydney
Free flight tickets, accommodation, and dinners during corporate events
Graduate, Brisbane